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Importance of Disposable Food Packaging


Today,disposable food packaging containers have gained wide acceptance all over the world because of their extensive application in varied industries and households. When catering for functions, such as birthday party, anniversary, wedding or business conference, use of disposable containers makes great sense. Further,packaging food boxes,plastic cups and other types of food container provide an option of eating away from home without disturbing the nutritional value of eatables. The world’s major food and beverage industries prefer disposable packaging to avoid washing trouble.


Presently, many major industries heavily depend on disposable packaging for supplying their food products to the customers. The market for disposable plastic containers is rapidly growing, particularly in coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, households, institutions, offices and hospitals. This growing importance has led to improvement in techniques for producing attractive and hygienic products. Attractive packaging is not the only point being focused on, but the hygienic aspect is also given priority.

Some major advantages of using Disposable Food Packaging are as follows:

1. Sanitation and Health Advantage

Usage of disposable food service packaging is a great step towards preventing food-borne diseases. As they are used only once, these products significantly lower the food contamination and spread of diseases.

Disposable packaging is apt for establishments where proper cleaning & sanitizing facilities for kitchenware and tableware are not available. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration spells out that "in situations where reusing multiuse items can cause food borne illness to consumers, single-use articles (disposable packaging) must be used"

2. Water & Energy Savings

The industrial size dishwashing units used by the restaurants consume approximately 7 gallons of 150 degree F to 180 degree F water per minute. From these figures, we can easily calculate that gallons of water & energy are being used by restaurants and households for washing utensils every day across the world. In such cases, the concept of disposable food containers should be widely adopted to save precious water and energy resources.

For example,disposable Cutlery is especially important when multiple people are out camping.

When eating in a restaurant,Disposable Wet Wipes is especially important.

3. Prevents Food Spoilage

The Compartment tray with lid is insulated which helps to keep the food hot for a long period of time. Thus, chances for food getting tossed because of inadequate temperature or food spoilage decrease to a great extent. 

Disposable food packaging is also an appropriate choice for people who are concerned about the environment. Such packaging helps in reducing human impact on the environment to a great extent. The materials used in manufacturing such containers are easy to recycle, thus do not put strain on the natural resources. Adopt them, enjoy freedom and save the environment.

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